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NewsThinking is Hoisting the Sails - Migration and Exile 21/03/25 ¤ Walter Benjamin Week 2025 The Jewish World on the Big Screen. Cinema as a tool, and as a pretext 09/01/25 ¤ Cycle of lectures 2025 04/12/24 ¤ Activities and opening hours Barcelona Jewish film festival in Girona 05/11/24 ¤ On Wednesday 20 and Thursday 28 November, the Truffaut cinema will present a selection of films from the Barcelona Jewish Film Festival 2024 Fairs of Sant Narcís at the Museum of Jewish History 16/10/24 ¤ Program of activities from October 25 to November 3 October, a month of books in the Jewish quarter 30/09/24 ¤ Literary activities planned for this month 26/09/24 ¤ From October 11 to 13 24/09/24 ¤ Reading club around some of his short stories The European Days of Jewish Culture 2024 06/08/24 ¤ Program of activities 14/06/24 ¤ Activity as part of the temporary exhibition Life writings Summer in the Jewish quarter of Girona 05/06/24 ¤ Activity program Girona, Temps de Flors at the Girona Jewish Quarter 03/05/24 ¤ From 11 to 19 May 2024 Sant Jordi at the Museum of Jewish History 22/04/24 ¤ Program from April 23 to May 2 Philosophers. The importance (or not) of being Jewish 16/01/24 ¤ Cycle of lectures 2024 04/12/23 ¤ It is a proposal for cultural dissemination that aims to explain the history of Catalonia through different museums and monuments 16/11/23 ¤ Program of activities within the framework of the Hanukkah and Christmas holidays Reflections around Walter Benjamin 02/10/23 ¤ Program of activities as part of the temporary exhibition "Walter Benjamin's Dreams" Grant for New Technologies from the Diputació de Girona 2023 13/09/23 ¤ This year the grant has been used to finance new electronic devices for the Museum of Jewish History Presentation of the European Days of Jewish Culture in Catalonia 05/09/23 ¤ Friday September 8, 2023 The European Days of Jewish Culture 2023. Memory. 28/08/23 ¤ Activity program European Days of Jewish Culture 2023, about to start! 25/08/23 ¤ The opening ceremony will take place in the Great Synagogue of Brussels on September 3 They have usurped our Facebook identity 18/07/23 ¤ 21/06/23 ¤ Summer at the Bonastruc ça Porta Center 23/05/23 ¤ Activity program The European Days of Jewish Culture 2023 17/05/23 ¤ Memory Visit to the Museum of Jewish History during "Girona, Temps de Flors" 15/05/23 ¤ Opening hours from 13 to 21 May 2023 Day and Night of the Museums 2023 12/04/23 ¤ Activities at the Jewish History Museum In divine image and likeness. Feminism and gender in the Jewish tradition 28/12/22 ¤ Cycle of lectures 2023 14/12/22 ¤ Activities and opening hours 21/11/22 ¤ An emotional memory in the exhibition Mauthausen. Graphic Chronicle The Jewish Film Festival returns to Girona 04/10/22 ¤ On Thursdays, October 13 and 27, the Truffaut cinema will present a selection of films from the Barcelona Jewish Film Festival 2022 23/09/22 ¤ The Museum of Jewish History has used this amount to finance an online touch device to obtain data on the satisfaction of the public and visitors European Days of Jewish Culture 23/08/22 ¤ Renewal Summer in the Bonastruc ça Porta Centre 23/06/22 ¤ Activities in July and August 2022 21/04/22 ¤ Update on COVID-19 measures 14/04/22 ¤ Activities and schedule 08/02/22 ¤ Lecture cycle 2022 13/12/21 ¤ Museum of Jewish History and Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies special opening hours Pura i senzilla com Abigail. New album by Rosa Zaragoza, now on sale 19/11/21 ¤ Rosa Zaragoza sings 9 Hebrew poems by Catalan Jews (11th-15th centuries) New book by the Xarxa de museus de les comarques gironines 10/11/21 ¤ Seek & find collection by Editorial Mediterrània New virtual tour through the mikveh of the Museum of Jewish History 29/10/21 ¤ 3D digitization project of the Girona History Museum 26/10/21 ¤ The Patronat Call de Girona has submitted an application for the Diputació de Girona Grant of New Tecnologies for museums and collections in the counties of Girona to equip themselves with new technologies. 13/10/21 ¤ Safe visit to the Museum of Jewish History 30/09/21 ¤ Information on hygienic-sanitary measures and opening times 22/09/21 ¤ Activities Reviving the time lived: memory and history in Judaism 20/08/21 ¤ Lecture cycle 2021 European Days of Jewish Culture 2021 12/08/21 ¤ Activities 16/06/21 ¤ July and August activities 05/05/21 ¤ Activities 11/03/21 ¤ Unraveling the Jewish quarter International Holocaust Remembrance Day 25/01/21 ¤ January 27th 11/01/21 ¤ Cycle of lectures organized jointly by the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies and the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona 28/12/20 ¤ Within the framework of the NOA project (Networks Overcoming Antisemitism) 17/12/20 ¤ Activities from December 22, 2020 to January 7, 2021 Dialogue: central theme of the next European Day of Jewish Culture 2021 30/11/20 ¤ The Patronat Call de Girona, as it has been doing since its creation in 1999, will participate in the next edition of Conference 2021 19/11/20 ¤ The Patronat call the Girona has accepted the Girona Provincial Council Grant for museums and collections in the Girona region to provide itself with new technologies The Girona Museums offer free admission on Sundays during the perimeter confinement 08/11/20 ¤ The objective of this initiative is to contribute to cultural activity and promote its enjoyment 05/11/20 ¤ Activities suspended due to Covid-19 26/10/20 ¤ Activities at the Museum of Jewish History 05/10/20 ¤ Activities in the Museum of Jewish History European Days of Jewish Culture 2020 21/08/20 ¤ Jewish Journeys Collection of stories of Jewish tradition 15/07/20 ¤ Tales from old times to enjoy from home New summer opening hours to the Museum of Jewish History 18/06/20 ¤ Updated sanitary measures to access the Museum and Institute 11/06/20 ¤ Audiovisual series 11/06/20 ¤ The Patronat Call de Girona has received the Grant from the Diputació de Girona (Girona County Council) for Museums and collections in the Girona region to renew equipment related to new technologies 2019 The Museum of Jewish History and the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies reopen their doors 28/05/20 ¤ Sanitary protocol for users and visitors of our equipment 19/05/20 ¤ The collected material will become the heritage that the next generations will be able to link with the historical period that we are living 08/05/20 ¤ IMD 2020 goes digital! #MyParallelTraces, new campaign and virtual mailbox 27/04/20 ¤ Are there Jewish Heritage sites close to your heart and memory? What are they? And what do they mean to you? Send us a virtual post card and let us know European Days of Jewish Culture 2020 24/04/20 ¤ Jewish Journeys 'Els murs fràgils dels calls. Jueus i jueves dels Països Catalans' 17/04/20 ¤ A review by Joaquim Nadal on Ferran Garcia-Oliver's book The Museum of Jewish History from home 30/03/20 ¤ Online resources Stones with a name: the gravestone collection online 27/03/20 ¤ New section on the website of the Museum of Jewish History about the tombstone collection Museum of Jewish History and Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies 26/03/20 ¤ Activity during confinement days 13/03/20 ¤ Preventive measures against COVID-19 expansion We continue to improve the museum 10/01/20 ¤ Throughout 2019 the Museum of Jewish History has renewed its spaces and has worked for the dissemination of Girona's Jewish history thanks to grants and public aid 18/12/19 ¤ Program 05/12/19 ¤ Museum of Jewish History special opening hours 02/12/19 ¤ From December 6, 2019 to January 7, 2020 21/11/19 ¤ Children's workshops. 24/10/19 ¤ The Museums on the streets Jewish Prose Fiction Reading Club 18/09/19 ¤ In collaboration with the Carles Rahola Public Library 20th Anniversary of the European Day of Jewish Culture 02/09/19 ¤ The commemorations of the 20th Anniversary of the EDJC will take place throughout Europe from September, 1th 2019. 30/08/19 ¤ Contest result 01/08/19 ¤ Made by high school students from La Salle In August "Nights of Music in the Jewish quarter" 04/07/19 ¤ On Thursdays at 9 pm, outdoor concerts Children activities in the Jewish Quarter 03/07/19 ¤ July and August Wednesdays 28/05/19 ¤ Commented visit to the temporary exhibition 'Girona, Temps de Flors' in the Bonastruc ça Porta Centre 02/05/19 ¤ Activities from 11th to 19th May, 2019 Parallel Traces: A new lens on Jewish Heritage 15/04/19 ¤ Patronat Call de Girona participates in this project of the European Commission's Creative Europe 2018-2020 program, which supports the European audiovisual, cultural and creative sector Visualization of the lectures included in 2019 series 25/03/19 ¤ Online access to the series of lectures "Catalonia and Judaism: shared identities, diverse relationships" General strike on February 21th 20/02/19 ¤ Due to the general strike on February 21th 2019, the Museum of Jewish History will be closed. Catalonia and Judaism: shared identities, diverse relationships 09/01/19 ¤ New lecture series at the Nahmanides Institute of Jewish Studies 4th edition of 'This Christmas your adventure begins at the Museum' 23/11/18 ¤ From December 6, 2018 to January 7, 2019 05/10/18 ¤ September 2018 Jewish Prose Fiction Reading Club 26/09/18 ¤ In collaboration with the Carles Rahola Public Library Opening hours at the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies 14/09/18 ¤ During the school period we also open on Saturday mornings European Days of Jewish Culture 09/08/18 ¤ Theme: Storytelling Visitmuseum: new audio guides at the Museum of Jewish History 17/07/18 ¤ A new approach to the main thematic areas and the most outstanding objects, with a fresh and innovative narrative |
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