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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

In divine image and likeness. Feminism and gender in the Jewish tradition

Cycle of lectures 2023

The cycle ''In divine image and likeness. Feminism and gender in the Jewish tradition'' talks about gender, Jewish tradition and history, and will offer current versions on these issues.


Thursday February 2nd
El Llibre de la Claredat i la concepció andrògina de la divinitat en la càbala, by Manuel Forcano Aparicio

Thursday March 9th
Mujeres y Talmud: ausencia y presencia femenina en la escuela rabínica, by Olga Ruiz Morell

Thursday March 30th
La vindicació de Vashti: la construcció de Vashti a la literatura rabínica i al pensament feminista jueu, by Irene Míriam Muzás Calpe

Thursday May 4th
Prohibicions i transgressions: el gènere, el sexe i les dones en les comunitats jueves medievals de Catalunya, by Irene Llop Jordana

Thursday June 1st
Pureza, impureza, purificación: las prescripciones de mikvot y la vida de cada día, by Daniel Esparza Olivero

You can access the recorded conferences thanks to the Digital Repository of the University of Girona.

Free activity prior registration.

Cycle organized jointly by the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies and the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona

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