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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Catalonia and Judaism: shared identities, diverse relationships

New lecture series at the Nahmanides Institute of Jewish Studies

This series of conferences aims to reflect on the perspectives that have been and are still being made of Judaism in Catalonia. We also propose it as a magnificent opportunity to reflect on the importance of cultural diversity in the Catalonia of the 21st century.

January 31: La població catalana i el seu encontre amb l’Holocaust - Marta Simó
February 28: Ser jueva catalana al segle XXI - Moriah Ferrús
March 28: Jueus i catalans, un joc de miralls - Vicenç Villatoro
April 25: La fascinació per Israel en la política catalana del segle XX - Ferran Sáez Mateu
June 6: Antisemitisme i filonazisme a Catalunya - Xavier Antich

Organized by: Institute of Nahmanides Studies (Patronat Call de Girona) and Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought (University of Girona)
Collaborators: Ajuntament de Girona, Diputació de Girona and Generalitat de Catalunya

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