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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Judaism and the dramatic arts

Cycle of lectures 2009 organized jointly by the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies and the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona

The Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies, together with the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thoughts from the University of Girona programmes each year a series of lectures focusing on a theme related to the Jewish culture. From February to June 2009, there will be five conferences focused on judaism and the dramatic arts.

February 18th
Sarah Bernhardt, o la incandescencia del talento - Alicia Noemí Perris, professor of French, psychologist and writer

March 18th
El Dibbuq, la vida entre dos mons - Joan Ferrer, vice dean of studies at the University of Girona
Screening of fragments of The Dybbuk (Michael Waszynski, 1936)

April 29th
Yentl, la lluita pel coneixement - Imma Merino, journalist and film critic
Screening of Yentl (based on the book by I. B. Singer; Barbara Streissand, 1984)

May 20th
Brundibar, una òpera infantil sobre la tolerància - Josep M. Terricabras, professor of philosophy and director of the Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought at the University of Girona
Projection of pieces from the opera Brundibar by Hans Krâsa (representation of the National Theatre of Oviedo, 2006)

June 17th
Jueus, de Miquel de Palol. Un drama medieval... i contemporani? - Manuel Forcano, doctorate in Semitic Philology, poet and writer.
Dramatized reading of fragments of Miquel de Palol’s work by Helena Martinell

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