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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dissidence: differently living, believing and thinking (16th-18th centuries)

New lecture series at the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies, January-June, 2015

The cycle of this year aims to make available to the public the results of the latest research and historical interpretations on such diverse aspects as the marginalization suffered by most people of the converso society, the pressure on religious minorities and heretical beliefs, or the persecution of women who practiced ancient healing arts, for which they were accused of witchcraft.
All lectures are related to the temporary exhibition entitled Dissident Girona, which can be seen in the Museum of Jewish History until April the 6th, 2015.

January, 29th: Jueus, conversos i inquisició, una convivència frustrada, Ferran Garcia-Oliver (University of Valencia)
February, 26th: Contra moros i jueus, o com es perseguia la dissidència als Països Catalans (segles XV-XVII), Dolors Bramon (University of Barcelona)
March, 26th: Los conversos en Galicia y Portugal a través de los sambenitos del Museo Diocesano de Tui, Suso Vila (University of Santiago de Compostela)
April, 30th: La bruixeria en la cultura popular catalana , Josefina Roma (University of Barcelona)
May, 28th: Xuetes a Mallorca: antroponímia i malnoms de les famílies amb origen jueu, Rosa Planas (University of the Balearic Islands)

Free admission
Organized by Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies (Patronat Call de Girona) and Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought (University of Girona).

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