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Dissident Girona. 16th to 18th centuries

Exhibition which is part of 'Girona in modern times. From the workshop to the bastion (16th to 18th centuries)'

From 29th October 2014 to 18th May 2015
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

This exhibition focuses on the converted society of Girona, to try to discover the often hidden history of those who were baptized against their will in order to save their lives. For that people they were secret and confinement times, and ultimately, forced assimilation and oblivion; times of expulsion, marginalization, conversion and dissidence. But somehow those were also times of persistence, maintenance of traditions, survival of ancestral beliefs and a safeguard of a collective identity who left its mark on the social and symbolic structure of the city.

This exhibition complements "Girona in modern times. From the workshop to the bastion" located in the Museum of History of Girona.

Virtual version of the exhibition Dissident Girona. 16th to 18th centuries at the platform Calaix by Generalitat de Catalunya (in Catalan).

Exhibition extended until May 18th

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