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Converso society and Inquisition

In 1478, the Catholic Monarchs created the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, to persecute heresy and impose the Christian faith. In the eyes of the Inquisition, the entire population of converts was suspected of practising Judaism in secret. For this reason, they were relentlessly controlled and persecuted. This section revolves around the horrors and hardships of those people who were persecuted and tortured.

Read the brochure related to the area Converso society and Inquisition for more information.

Outstanding items


Pedro Berruguete, 16th century (image of the painting found at the Prado Museum, Madrid). The brutal repression engendered by the Inquisition against converted Jews led to the holding of the now infamous "Autos-da-Fé", public trials and executions of those accused of practising Judaism, and which were held with great pomp and ceremony to teach a lesson to all individuals who dissented from what was considered to be the "one true faith".


Shield of the Inquisition

Stone. 18th century, Girona (cession of the Archeology Museum of Catalonia. Girona).
The headquarters of the Tribunal of the Holy Office had a large stone shield outside, which sported a cross, the Christian symbol, a sword to represent the persecution of heresy and an olive branch symbolizing reconciliation through repentance. This shield of the Inquisition may have been on Sant Domènec convent, headquarters of the Holy Office in Girona.

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