You are here:   Website accessibility


This website has been developed following the accessibility guidelines outlined by the World Wide Web Consortium. However, if you notice an error or have a suggestion on how to make the site more accessible, please send your comments filling out the form included in this page..

Accessibility guidelines

  • Relative sizing of type has been used, which can be controled from the user's browser
  • Access keys have been provided for the different page areas: Alt+1 for the header, Alt+2 for the main menu, Alt+3 for the content, Alt+4 to return to this page, and Alt+5 for the footer
  • Alternative text has been provided for images
  • Alternative content has been provided for multimedia objects
  • Javascript is recommended, but not required

Navigation recommendations

In order to view the content optimally, we recommend you to:

  • Use the latest versions of the browsers
  • Set your monitor to at least 800 x 600 pixels, and a color depth of 16 bits or more
  • Enable Javascript
  • Make sure the Flash plugin is installed
Vàlid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Conformance with WAI level Doble-A, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 CSS Valid!

Form to comment this website's accessibility

Use this form to make a comment or suggestion regarding accessibility of this website. Please, fill out all the fields.

To stop automated systems from submitting indiscriminately this form, please type the verification characters just as they appear in the following image:

número sis, número dos, lletra hac, número zero, lletra pe, número nou

Website developed by the Department of Image and Design of the Girona City Council.

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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