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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The identity from absence: the imagined otherness and a nation building

New lecture series 2017 at the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies

An identity is built over time by continuous reference to others. Being someone is being not another person. This "otherness" is often a presence (our new neighbour, our marginalized neighbour, etc.). Sometimes it is also an absence, a past absence but also a reverberant one, expelled yet admired at the same time. In the history of the Catalan Countries, Jews and Moors have often performed this role of "the other absent" which, in some way, has shaped the individual and collective identity.

January 19
La construcció de la identitat nacional catalana
Jordi Casassas. University of Barcelona

February 16
L'alteritat femenina des de la immigració
Míriam Díez Bosch. Blanquerna Observatory in Communication, Religion and Culture, Ramon Llull University

March 16
Les identitats culturals i religioses a la Corona catalanoaragonesa, segles XII a XV
Dolors Bramon. University of Barcelona

April 20
Què vol dir "ser d'aquí", "ser d'un lloc"? L'espai comú
Xavier Antich. University of Girona

May 18
La nació abans de la nació i els "altres" (moros, jueus i esclaus)
Ferran Garcia-Oliver. University of Valencia

June 15
La identitat jueva al segle XXI: més enllà de la qüestió religiosa
Fania Oz-Salzberger . University of Haifa

Organized by Patronat Call de Girona in collaboration with the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona.

Place: Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies
Access: Sant Llorenç Street

Free admission

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