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Monday, December 14, 2015

Pyrenees, border and refuge

New lecture series at the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies, January- May, 2016

The lectures will be in the context of the exhibition "Fleeing the Holocaust. Catalonia and the Jewish refugees in the Second World War" produced by a the Museum of the History of Catalonia and the Provincial Government of Barcelona, in collaboration with the Museum of Jewish History.

January 14th
Josep Calvet, historian
L'Hospici de Girona: acollida i refugi d'infants fugits de l'Holocaust (1941-1943)

February 11th
Martine Berthelot, University of Perpignan
Històries amb nom: comarques de Girona, pas i refugi de jueus europeus

March 10th
Oriol Ponsatí, filòsof i editor
P. L. Landsberg: del suïcidi a la vida

April 14th
Jordi Julià, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Passadors i refugiats: l'experiència personal i la literatura de Jordi Pere Cerdà

May 12th
Xavier Antich, University of Girona
La frontera, la ferida. Pensaments, paraules i imatges per a un espai encara per pensar

Place: Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies
Access: Sant Llorenç Street

Free admission

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