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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Women, Jewish and wise

New lecture series at the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies

The proposal for this year is the subject of Jewish women, their situation in the context of Jewish history and their intellectual and personal contribution in the world history.

January 30th: Hannah Arendt, pensar en temps foscos, Fina Birulés, Professor of Philosophy (University of Barcelona).
February 27th: De Lilith a las matriarcas, mujeres y mito en la Biblia, Olga Ruiz, department of Semitic Studies (University of Granada).
March 27th: De Rahel a Merecina, la cultura de les dones jueves de la Girona medieval, Sílvia Planas, Jewish History Museum director.
April 24th: Plenament pures: el concepte de puresa ritual femenina en el judaisme i en l'islam, Dolors Bramon, doctor in Philosophy (University of Barcelona).
Mai 15th: Emmy Nöther, o el teorema més bell de la matemŕtica, Jorge Wagensberg, PhD in Physics (University of Barcelona).

Free admission

Organized by the Board Patronat Call de Girona and the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona.

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