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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies starts a new cycle of conferences on Jewish philosophers

The thinker Fina Birulés will open the program tomorrow, at 6.30 pm, with the lecture "Hannah Arendt and the hidden tradition"

The Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies, in collaboration with the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona, are starting this week the cycle of conferences "Philosophers. The importance (or not) of being Jewish”. The proposal revolves around a group of women thinkers who have left a mark on contemporary Western culture and who share a common trait: the fact of being Jewish from a cultural and contextual perspective, rather than from the point of view of a religious or community affiliation.

The cycle aims to highlight the intellectual and humanistic contributions that these thinkers have made to European culture and, at the same time, to ask whether it makes sense to relate their work to a socio-cultural origin linked to Judaism.

Doctor Fina Birulés will be in charge of opening the cycle tomorrow, Thursday, February 8, with the conference Hannah Arendt and the hidden tradition, which will deal with the analysis that this German author made of modern anti-Semitism and how treated the pariah figure.

The program will continue with four more conferences. On Thursday, March 7, Lorena Fuster will talk about Edith Stein: getting out of yourself and letting yourself down. On Thursday 18 April, Maximiliano Fuentes will give the talk Rosa Luxemburg: theorist and militant, pacifist and revolutionary. On Thursday, May 9, it will be Marta Segarra's turn with Judith Butler and the Jewishness: a strange body. Finally, Íngrid Guardiola will close the cycle on Thursday, June 6, with the talk Against the Susan Sontag interpretation.

The conferences will be recorded through the Digital Audio and Video Repository service of the University of Girona (DUGIMedia). Thus, they will be available to all interested people who have not been able to attend in person.

All meetings will take place at 6.30 p.m., in the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies. Entry is free and prior registration is recommended through the municipal website.

Note: We are sending you, attached, the promotional poster for the cycle

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