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Na Blanca, jueva de Girona (s. XIV)

Presentation of the second book from collection "Dones Il·lustres de les Comarques Gironines", written by Sílvia Planas

Wednesday, April 7,
Call de Girona

This is the story of Blancha of Girona, who was born as a Jewish woman but was forced to convert to Christianism. However, she was able to keep in secret the ancient law of her People, and to preserve the inheritance of Sarah, mother of Israel.

Sílvia Planas (Camprodon, 1965) has got a Degree in Medieval History by the University of Barcelona and Maître en Histoire Médieval by the University of Toulouse Le-Mirail. She is also the director of the Museum of History of Jewish People and the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies, in the Call of Girona.

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