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Times and places of the Jewish Girona

The goal of this symposium is to present the new lines of research and the historiographical advances of the last twenty years in the study of the history and the culture of the Jewish community of the medieval Girona.

March, 23rd, 24th and 25th 2009
Call de Girona

Throughout the last twenty years, from different universities and national and international centers of studies, research has remarkably advanced as well as the study and the knowledge of the Jewish community from Girona. The Patronat Call de Girona, with this symposium, wants to make all the people accessible the last lines of research, the most recent discoveries and the historical advances that allow a study in depth of this important part of our past.

Registration fee: 60€
Registrations: up to January 2nd to March 15th, at the Bonastruc ça Porta Centre, through the online form or through ordinary post, by sending the registration form filled at: POB 450, 17080 Girona.

This symposium will include a simultaneous translation service in Catalan, Spanish and English (except for the debates and the homage to David Romano).

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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