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History of Jewish Catalonia

Presentation of the book of Sílvia Planas Manuel Forcano by Mr. Joaquim Nadal.

Monday, March 1,
Call de Girona

This book is a perspective on the history of the medieval Catalan Jewish communities, since the first notices of its presence till the Expulsion in 1492. A history prolific in events and works, which reach quite ten centuries. Manuel Forcano and Sílvia Planas present a deep analysis based on the documents and studies done on the history of Catalan Judaism. The work presents a history which forms an inextricable part of the national and cultural genesis of Catalonia and shows clearly that the Catalan Jewish communities had a very rich intellectual life that appears as one of the richest seams of literature and thought of the entire Middle Ages.

Sílvia Planas (Camprodon, 1965) has got a Degree in Medieval History by the University of Barcelona and Maître en Histoire Médieval by the University of Toulouse Le-Mirail. She is also the director of the Museum of History of Jewish People and the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies, in the Call of Girona.

Manuel Forcano ( Barcelona, 1968) is PhD. in Hebrew Philology by the University of Barcelona, poet and translator. He is also vice president of CoNCA (National Council of Culture and Arts, Catalonia).

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