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Remedy for treason, by Caroline Roe

Reading proposed by the Reading Group of the Call for February.

February 2010
Call de Girona

Great combination of black genre, thriller and historical novel.
Under the terrible influence of the black plague, the Girona of 1353 is divided by political and religious conflicts. Isaac the Blind, a known and respected Jewish doctor, suspects that the epidemic is not the only murderer who affects the city. A nun turns up died in the public baths. Isaac the Blind decides to investigate the strange circumstances of the death, and very soon sees himself involved in royal intrigues and in a gloomy plot to overthrow the king Pere el Cerimoniós.

Caroline Roe is Canadian, doctor in Mediaeval History and a writer of success specialized in novel black with transfuse historical and centered on the Catalan mediaeval world. Remedy for treason is the first book of a series that consists of nine published titles, translated into several languages.

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