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La Cuina d'El Pont dels Jueus

Book presentation by Martí Gironell.

Friday, November 27,
Call de Girona

The event will take place at the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies (entrance through Sant Llorenç street). The author will be accompanied by the chef Joan Roca, from El Celler de Can Roca, and the journalist Salvador Garcia-Arbós.

La Cuina d'El Pont dels Jueus (the Cooking from The Bridge of the Jews) is a compilation of the best Jewish medieval recipes that the author selected during the documentation process he made for his famous book El pont dels Jueus (The Bridge of the Jews).

Martí Gironell, who has a degree in Journalism from Universitat Pompeu Fabra and in English Philology from Universitat de Barcelona, also wrote La ciutat dels somriures (Cossetània, 2005) and the novel El Pont dels Jueus (Columna, 2007). On 2008 he received the prize Nèstor Luján for the novel La venjança del bandoler.

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