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El call en família

Llegendes de Jaume I

Let's learn history through stories!

Wednesday, August 7th - 18 h
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

King James I The Conqueror is one of the most important figures in the history of Catalonia. His exploits and his exceptional personality have led to the present day a lot of legends related to his life.

In this session a few are explained: "The firmness of the king", "The garlic soup", "The king and the Jewish silversmith", "The king, the abbot of Poblet and the emperor of the china" and "The king of trades". These are popular legends collected by Joan Amades.

Free activity for children. Catalan language. Limited capacity.

Organized by: Patronat Call de Girona. By: Assumpta Mercader. Recommended activity from: 5 years old

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