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Resources and Methodologies for Jewish Heritage Interpretation: the Pedagogy of D'var Acher

Lecture - workshop in English, intended for tour guides used to work with Jewish heritage sites

Wednesday, May 29,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmànides

How many truths are there behind a heritage story?
How can we tell history, the stories that make up history, so that we present it in all of its complexity?
How can Midrashic or Kabbalistic texts help us enrich our narrative in order to offer more didactic experiences in Jewish heritage?

Conference-workshop by Marta Eichelberger-Jankowska, head of the education department at the Taube Center for Jewish Life and Learning in Warsaw, Poland.

Schedule: from 5.30 pm to 7 pm
Language: English

Free activity prior registration. Limited capacity.

Attendees will have a certificate of participation.

It is organized by: European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ) Taube Center for Jewish Life & Learning, with the support of the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values – Remembrance Program (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-REM) of the European Union. Collaborator: Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies

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