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Primera cābala, d'Orient a Girona

Conversation about the book 'La Cabala', by Manuel Forcano

Thursday, April 25,
Museu d'Histōria dels Jueus

With the participation of the author of the book, Manuel Forcano, the director of the Museum of Jewish History, Sílvia Planas, and the musical accompaniment of the singer Lídia Pujol.

Manuel Forcano's last book, La Cābala. Dels orígens a la Cābala catalana (Editorial Base 2024), explains in an informative and graphic way the Jewish mysticism that was born in the Near East in antiquity, germinated strongly in Occitania and flourished spectacularly in the Iberian Peninsula, first in Catalonia and later in Castile. The historical trajectory of ideas, authors and works is presented on the basis of graphs that define the basic concepts of the mystical doctrine, as well as maps that locate at all times geographically and chronologically the protagonists of the primordial history of the Kabbalah. With these tools, the origins of the Kabbalah, its evolution and the main figures of the so-called first Kabbalah are made known.

Free activity in Catalan language with prior registration.

Organized by: Patronat Call de Girona and Editorial Base

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