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On the life and work of Hannah Arendt

Reading Group of the 'Call'

Wednesday, February 12,
Call de Girona

Recommended books by the Reading Group of the 'Call':

Fina Birulés (ed.): Hannah Arendt: el orgullo de pensar (Gedisa, 2000).
Hannah Arendt (intro. de Fina Birulés): Una revisión de la historia judía y otros ensayos (Paidós, 2005).
Adelbert Reif: Converses amb Hannah Arendt (Lleonard Muntaner, 2006).
Elisabeth Young-Bruehl: Hannah Arendt, una biografía (Paidós, 2006).
Fina Birulés: Una herencia sin testamento: Hannah Arendt (Herder, 2007).

Books available in the library of the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies and in the museum shop.

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