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Light up for Hanukkah

Celebrating the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah

Wednesday, December 4,
Call de Girona

Carles Puigdemont, mayor of Girona and chairman of the Patronat Call de Girona, will preside over the lighting of the eight candles of Hanukkah in the last night of this festivity.

The activity is organised by Patronat Call de Girona in collaboration with Mozaika association of Barcelona. During the event, Mashalà will perform a musical show with traditional songs and, at the end of the day, the spectators will enjoy the tasting of sufganiot, traditional sweet fritter typical of this festivity.

Hanukkah, or Festival of Lights (lit. "dedication") is celebrated on the 25th of Kislev. It commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple after the victorious Maccabean uprising aganist the Greeks. The symbol of the festivity is a 9-branched candlestick which is lit each evening from the shammash, the central candle. In the evenings, family festivities are held, with sweet doughnuts, levivot and sufganiot, and small presents are given to children.

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