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Instagram contest during the European Day of Jewish Culture 2013

The Tourist Board Costa Brava Girona and the towns of Besalú, Castelló d'Empúries and Girona are launching a photographic contest based on Jewish heritage and the activities taking place during the EDJC 2013 in these cities

From 8th to 29th September 2013
Call de Girona

Anybody publishing photos at Instagram with one of the tags: #culturajueva2013
(depending on geographic position), and being a follower of the profile @costabravapirineu at Instagram can participate in the contest.

The photos -either details or general views- have to be original and creative, and have to be inspired in Jewish subjects and the activities proposed by the towns of Besalú, Castelló d'Empúries and Girona on occasion of the European Day of Jewish Culture 2013.

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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