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"La por d'Isaac a la literatura hebrea: un ganivet clavat al cor", a cārrec d'Ana Bejarano

Activity within the framework of the festival MOT 2023

Wednesday, March 15,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmānides

This year the MOT festival takes place in Olot and Girona from March 16 to 25. This year's theme is "Panic, Literature and Fear" and revolves around literature as a tool to approach our fears without getting hurt.

The +MOT are activities related thematically to the main thread of the MOT edition, but organized from outside the festival. The Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies participates in this initiative with a lecture by Ana Bejarano, specialist in contemporary Hebrew literature, literary translation, Hebrew language and medieval Hebrew poetry.

We find the expression "the fear of Isaac" in the Hebrew Bible. Its primary interpretation is the fear that the boy Isaac had when his father Abraham was ready to sacrifice him by divine mandate. Rabbinical exegesis gives "the fear of Isaac" throughout the history of the Jewish people a messianic dimension as a characteristic feature of the Jew in real life and in Hebrew literature of all times, up to contemporary literature which makes a new artistic reworking of this primordial fear of the people of Israel.

Free activity in Catalan language.

More information:

Organized by: Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies (Patronat Call de Girona)

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