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Israel i Palestina, veus del conflicte

Els siamesos enfrontats: reflexió a distància sobre un conflicte de cent anys

Lecture by Joan B. Culla

Thursday, June 15,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmànides

The cycle "Israel and Palestine, the voices of conflict" deals with a constantly topical issue. With it we try to analyze the daily reality of the conflict and present, through different voices and different points of view, the will to understand and tolerate.

Joan B. Culla is a writer, doctor of Contemporary History and professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has written more than a dozen books, in addition to regularly collaborating in publications such as El Punt Avui, Ara, El Adelanto, Sapiens, Ideas and Serra d'Or. He also collaborates or has collaborated in international newspapers and publications. He was a member of the advisory council of the Fundación Centro de Estudios Jordi Pujol. Since the beginning of the 90s, he presents and directs the television program Segle XX on Canal 33, where he reviews the history of the 20th century from a modern perspective, but at the same time unpublished. Every week a documentary is broadcast that presents a different theme. He also participates as a commentator in other media, especially radio.

Free activity

Organized by: Institute of Nahmanides Studies (Patronat Call de Girona) and Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought (University of Girona. Address: Sant Llorenç street no number

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