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Autores i autors jueus del segle XX

Irčne Némirovsky, la compassió de les ombres

Lecture by Maria Josep Balsach

Tuesday, May 22,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmŕnides

Conference of the cycle "Jewish authors of the 20th century".

Maria Josep Balsach is a PhD in Art History and she is director of the Chair of Contemporary Art and Culture at the University of Girona. She is the author of numerous theoretical works on aesthetics and art of the 19th and 20th centuries from an interdisciplinary perspective. Her publications include Esteticisme i decadentisme a la fi de segle [Ed.] (Barcelona, ​​1988), Hybris i pensament Trŕgic(Barcelona, ​​1990); L'art immaterial d'Arnold Schönberg (International Prize for Art Criticism Spaces); Modernismo e avantguarda. Picasso, Miró, Dali e la pittura catalana nell primo Novecento (Milan, 2003) and Joan Miró. Cosmogonies d'un món originari (1918-1939) (Barcelona, ​​2007) (Barcelona City Essay Award).

Free activity

Organized by: Institute of Nahmanides Studies (Patronat Call de Girona) and Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought (University of Girona. Address: Sant Llorenç street no number

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