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Les Arts en el judaisme

Gerda Taro, la mujer que creó a Robert Capa

Lecture by Fernando Olmeda

Wednesday, March 26,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmànides

Lecture of the cycle "The arts in Judaism". In this cycle we propose the theme of artistic expression in Judaism, and how some of the visual arts translate aspects of memory, tradition and Jewish culture, cause their authors are of Jewish origin.

The conference will discuss the life of Gerda Taro, photographer, who died at the age of 26 in the Spanish Civil War. Sentimental partner of Robert Capa. Her life and work were hidden behind the figure of Capa, so she did not receive the recognition she deserved, until a briefcase with unpublished negatives by Capa and Taro that was found in Mexico.

Journalist and writer, Fernando Olmeda began his professional career in 1982. First, on radio, and since 1989 on television. He has directed and presented numerous news spots, current affairs programmes and reports, especially on Telemadrid and Telecinco. He currently collaborates on Aragón Television. He has also developed his role as a writer. In addition to Gerda Taro, fotógrafa de guerra (2007), has published Contraseñas íntimas, a novel with which she won the Ateneo Prize -City of Valladolid in 2006, and El látigo y la pluma ( (2004).

Free activity

Organized by: Institute of Nahmanides Studies (Patronat Call de Girona) and Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought (University of Girona). Address: Sant Llorenç street no number

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