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Poems of stone at the Call of Girona

The month work of Museum History of Jewish People.

May 2009
Call de Girona

In the Call of Girona, the stones talk us of the past, with tones and voices full of poetry. The memory of a far past approach with the voices of the poets which, some time ago, left their verses inscribed forever in stones gathered in the courtyard of the Bonastruc ça Porta Centre. From poetry also we can know, meet and reconstruct our collective past.

Vam saber
del vermell
i la llum de
les magranes
Manuel Forcano

Francesca Laguarda

El perfum ja esvaït
d'unes flors assecades
Lluís Lucero

Somiava despert
viatges per
camins d'escuma,
solcant les ones
en vaixell de vela
Toni Moll

...I jo segueixo
el groc alterat
dels codonys...
Eva Naranjo

Eufrates i Tigris rebeu
un tercer riu de saba humana
només llavors i flors d'albada
sobre vells calius de les dunes
Ll. Palahí

La pell de
Envolta els
records d'altres
Consol Vidal

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