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Hidden Character Contest

Activity programmed on occasion of the European Day of Jewish Culture 2011

From August 22nd to September 3rd
Call de Girona

This contest is produced by Blum(Pro) and it consists of several clues that will be given through our Facebook fan page in order to discover a character of Girona's Jewish history.

To participate, you have to become a fan of our fan page (by clicking "Like") and send the answer through the form that you will find in the fan page during September 2nd. [Note: the form is only visible if you are already a fan]

On September 3rd, at noon, in the courtyard of Bonastruc ça Porta Centre, the hidden character will be revealed. During this day we will announce the winners through the wall of our fan page.

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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