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Open dialog around the temporary exhibition 'Hispanic Jews of Morocco'

Activity organized on occasion of the "Festivity of Sant Narcís" 2011

Thursday, November 3,
Call de Girona

Round table with the participation of Jacobo Israel Garzón, writer, and Esther Bendahan, curator of the exhibition; moderated by Miguel de Lucas, general secretary of Sefarad-Israel.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a debate on the perseverance of the identity of the Hispanic Moroccan Jewish communities within the current Spanish and Catalan society.
How have the various Jewish communities from North Africa achieved to maintain an oral language, the Jaquetía. Their customs, legends and traditions, some of which we recognize as a distant relative. What is their contribution to the Spanish and Catalan culture. How our country has been able to integrate or not, this group in the different periods of migration. What was the role of the two major cities, Madrid and Barcelona, as receptive cities to welcome these migratory waves. What happens today with the third and fourth generations of Sephardic Jews that have come back. How are we solving the coexistence of a non-confessional society and the needs of the Jewish community.

Free activity.
Place: Museum of Jewish History (entrance by St. Llorenç street)

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