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World cookery: Jewish cooking

Cooking course in the Aula Gastronòmica de Girona

Thursday, June 16,
Aula Gastronòmica Mercat del Lleó

The restaurant Bau Bar , located at the foot of the cathedral in the interior of a 14th century Gothic palace, called Pia Almoina, offers special menus like the Jewish Sephardic or the typical Catalan. Elena Lozano and Alba Solà will dedicate this session to Jewish cuisine, highlights dishes and its history.

Date: Thursday, June 16th, from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Aula Gastronòmica del Mercat del Lleó
Price: 20.00 euros
Information and registration: / 972 419 464 / 667 181 996

Organizes: Aula Gastronòmica de Girona

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