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Jewish history and culture in the medieval Catalonia

Day in honor of Eduard Feliu i Mabres

Friday, April 29,
Call de Girona

Eduard Feliu i Mabres (1938-2009) dedicated his life to research on Jewish topics, and among experts is considered the greatest connoisseur of Catalan Jews of our time. He worked in a wide range of Hebrew studies, especially in the field of Jewish culture in medieval Catalonia, an area in which he made very important contributions. For his great professionalism and the unquestionable quality of his research, he is considered a master and a reference in the academic world and among people who is dedicated to the study of Catalan judaism.

It is for these reasons that the Patronat Call of Girona and the Societat Catalana d'Estudis Hebraics organize a study day dedicated to his memory. The main purpose of this meeting is to share the legacy and teachings of Eduard Feliu with all people interested in history and culture of the Jewish communities of our Middle Ages.

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