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Trip from Girona to Alsace (France)

The municipal board Patronat Call de Girona starts a project to visit the Jewish heritage of different cities of Spain and abroad, in the frame of the European Route of Jewish Heritage.

From October 28th to November 1st 2010
Call de Girona

On this occasion, we propose as first trip to the French region of Alsace --Strasburg and surroundings-- in order to discover the Jewish heritage and the community equipments. Girona, as a member of the Spanish network Red de Juderías de España and of the European Association for the Preservation of the Jewish Heritage (AEPJ) takes an active part in this itinerary, which has been awarded as "Major Cultural Itinerary" by the European Council in 2005.

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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