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Monday, January 11, 2021

Judaisms: heterodox looks

Cycle of lectures organized jointly by the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies and the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona

You can access the recorded conferences thanks to the Digital Repository of the University of Girona.

Free activity prior registration.

January 16th
Auschwitz, Charlote Delbo i la resiliència
Maria Bohigas, translator, editor (Club Editor)

February 20th
La provocació controvertida de Gertrude Stein
M. Àngels Cabré, writer (Observatori Cultural de Gènere)

September, 17th
Etty Hillessum: trobar Déu als barracons
Teresa Forcades, theologian (Monastery of Montserrat)

October 15th
Sobre la qüestió jueva de Karl Marx. CANCELLED
José Manuel Bermudo, philosopher (University of Barcelona, ​​professor emeritus)

November 19th
Art Spiegelman: Maus, de rates i homes . Online
Maria Lluïsa Faxedas, art historian (University of Girona)

December 17th
Maledictus Spinoza. Les raons d’un rebuig. Online
Josep Olesti, philosopher (University of Girona)

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