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Jornades Europees de la Cultura Jueva

Tati Cervià & Sepharazz

Traditional and Sephardic music

Thursday, September 5th - 21 h
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

Tati Cervià presents a unique project that fuses the roots of Sephardic and traditional music with jazz. She has selected a repertoire of Jewish and Catalan songs, taken from his recording works: Kantikas de la kukuvaya, Solombra and Secreta veu, which she will perform accompanied by Sepharazz trio. In this concert, which focuses on family traditions, songs of love and heartbreak, as well as compositions for everyday celebrations and moments of mourning, it is an invitation to travel through time and emotions .

Tati Cervià - voice
Jaume Fulcarà - guitar
Toni Pujol - double bass
César Martínez - drums

Free entry with limited capacity.

Organized by: Patronat Call de Girona. Photo: Anna Bahi

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