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Nits de Música al call

Katalanim. The Legacy of Catalan Jews

Toni Costa piano concert

Thursday, August 22nd - 21 h
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

A piano concert that reinvents Sephardic songs, in Catalan and Judeo-Spanish, offering a new dimension to this repertoire, reevaluating it, and putting it in context. There is an extensive and documented repertoire that has been preserved thanks to the Jews and, especially, the Jewish women of the Sephardic diaspora.

The creative impulse of this project is that folk poetry and its music, which are presented in a collage of different styles, where Occitan and Catalan songs from time before the diaspora resonate, with modern arrangements to them be updated and synthesized for piano solo. The resulting medleys are units of meaning that appeal to the nostalgia inherent in these musics, which belong to many places at once, but have a common origin.

Toni Costa studied piano at the Conservatory of Music in Tortosa, where he became aware of the importance of Jewish culture in the Crown of Aragon, especially along the course of the Ebro River, and he discovered the music of the Sephardim. In Barcelona he studied ancient music and has influenced by other music, such as flamenco or modern music, which led him to have an iconoclastic profile. Since then, the integration of different musical styles and other forms of art has been a priority in his projects.

Expected duration: 70 minutes

Free entry with limited capacity.

Organized by: Patronat Call de Girona

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