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Desembre de llum al call

Hanukkah, a song of light for a wounded world

Performance by Antoni Madueño-Música medieval, within the framework of December of light in the Jewish quarter

Thursday, December 14,
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

On Thursday, December 14, we will celebrate the last evening of Hanukkah with a music and poetry recital in the courtyard of the Bonastruc ça Porta Center.

Antoni Madueño-Música medieval will offer a repertoire of medieval chants from different traditions, with themes linked to the idea of ​​light, regeneration, peace and hope.

We will finish with a tasting of neulas and nougats, in memory of the "neules, clareya i torocs" that the medieval Jewish community of Girona used to offer for Christmas to the janitors of the city council.

Limited capacity. Free access with prior registration.

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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