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Culture for peace

Concert in solidarity with the Ukrainian people

Saturday, April 2,
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

In solidarity with the Ukrainian people, Unlock Art, in collaboration with Mozaika and the Call de Girona Board, organizes a live concert in the courtyard of the Girona Museum of Jewish History This event will take place in collaboration with Toldot, a cultural project focused on how food breaks down cultural barriers, which will serve a tasting of two Jewish recipes, an example of interculturality, before the concert starts.

80% of the ticket proceeds will be sent to volunteers in Ukraine, who are actively buying and delivering food and medicine. The rest will be used to cover the expenses of the activity.

Thanks for your support. Culture for peace. Culture for Ukraine.

You can buy your ticket at

Organize: Unlock Art. Collaboration: Mozaika and Patronat Call de Girona

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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