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Esquerdar el cel

Dramatized reading of texts related to Auschwitz and its memory

Saturday, April 24,
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

This activity is constituted by a scenographic space in which two actresses will embody some voices of survivors of Nazi camps who gave testimony of their relationship with the environment (the forests that were not, the flowers that did not seem, the birds that were absent or well sinisterly present).

The event is linked to the installation Je vous offre les oiseaux / Us ofereixo els ocells, an artistic proposal designed as a recognition to one of the perceptions shared by many survivors: never having seen a bird flying over the concentration camps. The installation takes the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp as a reference to make ethically relevant the contrast between what is perceived in everyday life and its distortion under a situation of extreme violence.

With the intervention of:
Sílvia Planas Marcé, director of the Museum of Jewish History
Marta Marín-Dòmine, installation author
Isabelle Bres, actress
Carol Muakuku, actress

Free activity in Catalan. Limited capacity to 25 people. Registration is required.

Place: Centre Bonastruc ça Porta courtyard

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