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Jornades Europees de la Cultura Jueva

European Days of Jewish Culture: The Online Kickoff

An 8 hour online broadcast

Sunday, September 6,
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

This edition of the Europeean Days of Jewish Culture is based on new technologies and the digital world, giving the opportunity to reach a wider audience worldwide. In this way, for the first time in 20 years, an eight-hour online program will be held, open to the entire public, where conferences, interviews, concerts and videos on European Jewish heritage will take place, offering a unique look, from the inside, at the history and Jewish communities of a large number of European participating countries. We will connect live with Luxembourg, Barcelona, Jerusalem, Paris and Oxford. The broadcast will have five main events, detailed below, in which viewers will be able to interact with the speakers through the chat. During the rest of the broadcast, various documentaries and videos produced by the participating institutions will be retransmitted. The Online Kickoff will be broadcast live on the AEPJ's profiles on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. We invite you to connect during the day and invite your community to do the same.

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