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Temporary restructuring of the opening hours of the Museum of Jewish History. See November and December timetables.
Nits de Música al Call

Mazik Duo. Jewish Life, portraits of the past

Concert included within the 'Nights of Music in the Jewish quarter'

Thursday, August 1,
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

'Jewish life, portraits of the past', forays into Jewish history and identity. It explores some of its remnants that were scattered throughout 20th century culture.

The works presented on this project were germinated in very distinct contexts and moments. They are the fruit of both intention and subjective perceptions which in different ways delve deeply into individual experiences and memories. Each one of them expresses itself through its own distinct language while at the same time making use of a common vocabulary. They are not united only by contemporaneity but also by modes of expression, symbols and speech. They share traditions and ways of seeing. Behind their discourse, is the deep rooted language of a whole culture.

Free entrtance. Limited seats.

Photo: Quim Roser. Palau de la Música Catalana

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