Actions under progress
The collaboration actions between the University of Girona and the Girona City Council in the framework of the Chair are carried out within three areas:
1. Teaching and training
- Master Program in Smart Cities
- Presentations and seminars given by professors and experts in different fields related to Smart Cities
- Promotion of training activities (such as congresses and workshops) about Smart Cities and the research activities that are derived from them
2. Projects of interest of the citizens
- Analysis, exploitation and dissemination of data
- Monitoring of spaces, facilities and / or resources
- Development of solutions for the benefit of the citizens
3. Girona energy efficient city
- Monitoring of energy and resource demand (electricity, gas, water, etc.) at different levels of aggregation and temporary resolution
- Benchmarking of energy demand between municipal facilities
- Coordination of energy efficiency studies
- Energy awareness and promotion of energy efficiency