1700 - c.1731 First optical boxes or Mondo Nuovo shows and beginning of the mass production of optical views. >> Watch video Zograscope (La llum del cinema series). 1713 S. J. Rhaneus describes the first glass plate for a magic lantern with a mechanism to make the projected image move. 1725 Johann Heinrich Schulze demonstrates that silver nitrate turns black when exposed to the sunlight. 1788 Englishman Robert Baker inaugurates the panorama in Edinburgh. 1798 Belgian Étienne-Gaspard Robert, alias Robertson, begins his magic lantern shows, called Phantasmagorias, in Paris >> Watch video Phantasmagoria (La llum del cinema series). | Photography It begins in the 1820s >> | Amateur Film It begins in the 1890s >> | Television and video It begins in the 1860s >> | Sound It begins in the 1850s >> |