
1920-1929 <<   >> 1940-1949

Cine Nic 1 | Cine Nic 2 | Cine Isuar | Cine Skob | España al Día | El rapte de Maria Rosa

Cine Nic 1

Film for a toy projector Cine NIC created in Barcelona in 1931

Cine Nic 2

Cine NIC Toy Projector. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

Cine Isuar

Cine Isuar Toy Projector. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

Cine Skob

Cine Skob Toy Projector. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

España al Día

Republican news program during the Spanish Civil War. It contains various reports such as an exhibition in Barcelona on life in the Soviet Union, the funeral of Manuel Álvarez, the inauguration of a new clinic, the inauguration of a children's canteen, the visit of a delegation from the United States, the new library and school of the Evacuation Delegation of Ciudad Real, the fascist incursions into Barcelona and the destruction of buildings bombed by foreign aviation, among others.

El rapte de Maria Rosa

Amateur film performed by Antoni Varés. It is considered the first amateur film in Girona. It narrates the  kidnapping of Maria Rosa by Jim the Corbnegre and his gang. Filmed entirely in outdoors around Girona.