
1880-1889 <<   >> 1900-1909

Kinetoscope 1 | Kinetoscope 2 | Mutoscope | Cinématographe Lumière 1 | Cinématographe Lumière 2 | Chronophotography Demeny

Edison's Kinetoscope

Virtual recreation of Edison's Kinetoscope, the first individual viewer films marketed in 1894. Made by Museu del Cinema.


Edison's Kinestoscope / Kinetoscopi. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.


Mutoscope / Mutoscopi. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

Cinématographe Lumière 1

Virtual recreation of how the cinematograph run, invented by the Lumière brothers in 1895. Video produced by the Museum of Cinema (Girona).

Cinematographe Lumière 2

Cinématographe Lumière / Cinematògraf. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

Chronophotography Demeny

Chronophotography G. Demeny / Cronofotografia. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.