What were they? When were they open?The Galeries Dalmau were an important focus of avant-garde art in Barcelona, and therefore Catalonia. They opened in 1906 and closed in 1930. The Galeries Dalmau were founded to create and support the import and export of avant-garde artistic talent. Who were they founded by?They were founded by Josep Dalmau i Rafel (Manresa 1867 - Barcelona 1937), an art dealer, painter and restorer. He trained as a painter in Paris and Barcelona, and his love of modern art led him to open the Galeries Dalmau in Barcelona. Besides his activity at the gallery, he was an advocate of artistic freedom and promoted the Association of Independent Artists in 1936, even writing its manifesto. |
Would you like to find out more?
Andrés Pàmies, Elisenda. Les Galeries Dalmau: un projecte de modernitat a la ciutat de Barcelona. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2012-2013. https://repositori.upf.edu/bitstream/handle/10230/22029/Andres_13.pdf?sequence=1
Bracons Clapés, Josep. “Les grans exposicions d'art del segle XX” http://www.bcn.cat/publicacions/bmm/42/ct_qc.htm
Brihuega, Jaime. Las vanguardias artísticas en España (1909-1936). Ediciones Istmo para España, 1981.
MNAC, Miscel·lània en homenatge a Joan Ainaud de Lasarte (Volum II), Publicacions Abadia de Montserrat, 1999
Montmany, Antònia (a cura de). Repertori d’exposicions individuals d’art a Catalunya (fins 1938). IEC, 1999.
Santos Torroella, Rafael. Dalí residente. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1992.
Vidal Jansà, Mercè. L’exposició d’Art Cubista de les Galeries Dalmau, 1912. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 1996.
Vidal Oliveras, Jaume. “L’origen del marxant Josep Dalmau”. Dovella, octubre 1991, p. 39-46.
Vidal Oliveras, Jaume. Josep Dalmau, L’aventura per l’art modern. Fundació Caixa Manresa, 1988.