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Emmy Nöther, o el teorema més bell de la matemŕtica

Lecture by Jorge Wagensberg, included in the programme of the series of lectures "Women, Jewish and wise"

Thursday, May 15,
Call de Girona

Emmy Noether (1882 - 1935), was an influential German mathematician known for her groundbreaking contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics.

Despite the obstacles of sexism of the time, Emmy attended courses at the University as an auditor and read a doctoral thesis in 1907. She teached in several German universities and in Moscow. When Hitler became the German Reichskanzler she went to the United States, where she died shortly after.

Jorge Wagensberg (Barcelona, 1948). PhD in Physics (University of Barcelona), where he is professor of theory of irreversible processes. He founded the collection of books Metatemas (Tusquets) and the European Museums Academy. Until 2005 he directed the Science Museum of Barcelona, which he orientated towards a new concept, CosmoCaixa. Generalitat de Catalunya awarded him with the National Prize of Thought and Scientific Culture in 2005, for the design of "CosmoCaixa" and the cross of Sant Jordi, 2007. Doctorate honoris causa (University of Lleida, 2010).

The lecture will take place at the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies (c/ Sant Llorenç, s/n) at 7pm.

Organized by: Patronat Call de Girona and Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thoughts from the University of Girona.

You can watch this lecture through the website of the University of Girona.

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